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How To Reset Instax Mini 9 Cameras (in 4 Simple Steps)

If you’re anything like me, your Instax Mini 9 camera is practically an extension of your hand. But even our beloved instant-memory-makers can sometimes hit a roadblock. I’ve been there, and believe me, it’s not as daunting as it seems.

In this handy guide, I will show you how to reset Instax Mini 9 cameras safely so you can keep documenting life without the risk of breaking your precious Mini 9.

So if you’ve been wondering, “Where is the reset button on my Instax Mini 9” here’s my troubleshooting guide.

How To Reset Instax Mini 9

How To Reset Instax Mini 9 Cameras

Active Time: 5 minutes
Additional Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Estimated Cost: $0

Follow my step-by-step guide to reset your Instax Mini 9.


  • Instax Mini 9 Camera
  • AA batteries


  • Table or workbench to place your camera on while resetting.


Resetting the Instax Mini 9 is super easy! Just follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the camera by pushing the power button.
  2. Remove the batteries from the battery compartment.
  3. Wait for about 10-15 seconds to let the camera reset.
  4. Reinsert the batteries and turn the camera back on.


    That's it! Your Mini 9 camera should be good to go now. In case you aren't quite sure how to complete each step, I've provided a more detailed guide below:

    1. Turn off the Mini 9 camera by pushing the power button

    The first step in resetting your Instax Mini 9 is to turn off the camera. To do this, locate the power button on the side of the camera. It's usually a small round button with the power symbol on it. Press the button gently, and you should see the lens retract and the camera power down. Turning off the camera ensures it's safe to remove the batteries and prevents potential damage while resetting.

    2. Remove the batteries from the battery compartment

    After turning off your Instax Mini 9, it's time to remove the batteries. Locate the battery compartment door on the bottom of the camera. Slide the door open to reveal the battery slots. Carefully remove the batteries, paying attention to their orientation. Removing the batteries is a crucial step in resetting, as it cuts power to the camera's internal components, allowing it to reset.

    3. Wait for about 10-15 seconds to let the camera reset

    Now that the batteries are removed, it's time to give your Instax Mini 9 a little break. Wait for about 10-15 seconds before proceeding. This pause allows the camera to discharge any residual power and clear its memory fully. This short waiting period is essential for the resetting process to be effective and ensure your camera's smooth operation after resetting.

    4. Reinsert the batteries and turn the camera back on

    After waiting for 10-15 seconds, it's time to reinsert the batteries. Ensure that you place them back in the correct orientation, as indicated by the polarity symbols inside the battery compartment. Once the batteries are correctly reinserted, close the battery compartment door securely. Now, turn the camera back on by pressing the power button. Your Instax Mini 9 should be reset and functioning as expected. If any issues persist, consider contacting Fujifilm customer support for further assistance.

    3 Common Issues that May Require Instax Mini 9 Resetting

    Common Issues that May Require Instax Mini 9 Resetting
    Common Issues that May Require Instax Mini 9 Resetting

    Sometimes your beloved Instax Mini 9 might face minor issues like:

    1. Glitches or malfunctions during operation.
    2. Your Instax Mini 9 is not turning on (hint: see my video below on how to fix this).
    3. Unresponsive buttons or features.

    Resetting the Mini 9 camera can resolve these problems; if not, keep reading!

    Instax Mini 9 Resetting FAQs

    Where is the reset button on my Instax Mini 9?

    Where is the reset button on my Instax Mini 9

    The Instax Mini 9 camera does not have a dedicated reset button. However, you can reset the camera by briefly turning it off and removing the batteries. After waiting 10-15 seconds, reinsert the batteries and turn the camera back on

    How long should I wait before reinserting the Mini 9 batteries?

    How long should I wait before reinserting the batteries

    When resetting your Instax Mini 9, it’s recommended to wait approximately 10-15 seconds after removing the batteries before reinserting them. This waiting period ensures that any residual power is discharged, allowing the camera to reset effectively.

    What should I do if the Mini 9 camera still doesn’t work after resetting?

    What should I do if the Mini 9 camera still doesn’t work after resetting

    If your Instax Mini 9 still doesn’t work after attempting a reset, please refer to this “Why Is My Instax Mini 9 Not Working?” guide for troubleshooting tips.

    If the issue persists, contact Fujifilm customer support for further assistance. They can guide you through additional troubleshooting steps or provide information on repairs or replacements if necessary.

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